IT workshop Technothon was conducted by IT Club on 30th September 2020 for grade 6th to 9th.
Students were taught various things in the field of Information Technology.
The students of class 6th were very excited to learn new things in PowerPoint Presentation.
Mrs. Santosh taught the students animation, how to make 3-D box and how to insert videos in PowerPoint.
Mrs Nupur Mathur taught class 7th how to make short animated movies easily using Flash 5 software, doing various animations like Motion Tweening, Shape tweening, Masking, Object
rotation, Custom motions etc.
The session for class 8th started with 170 students who were all enthusiastic. They were taught about
making foldable cards through Canva App , how
Canva's features work on phone and on laptop & desktops.
In the second session of Technothon, class 9th was taught how to edit simple videos and compile them into a movie through Windows Movie Maker on a desktop or laptop. Students were taught different tricks and tips to work efficiently and fast. They were also taught how to make the videos
flow smoother by adding dynamic effects.