Maharani Gayatri Devi Girls' School organised a session on entrepreneurship skills
MGD Girls' School hosted a cyber safety and security workshop for students of Class VIII and IX
Vijayadashami and language festival was celebrated by the Hindi department of MGD Girls' School
Special assembly for Mental Health Awareness
14 students of MGD attended a session Assessing security concerns in Digital Era
MGD participated in the Pi Summit Mathematics
Nurturing Compassion and Care for Animals
The State Forestry Competition at Nahargarh Biodiversity Reserve
Mental Health Awareness Activity - Screening of the Movie-Inside Out
MGD girls of grade - 4 participated in the event called Garden Bazar for Poster Making Competition
MGD Girls' School students witnessed the International U-16 Polo Test match exhibition
Swachh Bharat Abhiyan campaign
State Senior Women's Chess
Teacher Training on Academic Pedagogy of CACA Safety Workbook
MGD Girls' School organized an online *PoSH* ( prevention of sexual harassment at work place) awareness program
Hindi teaching workshop by Fullmarks
Teacher Capacity Building Workshop at MGD Girls' School
CBSE Cluster XIV Athletic Meet 2024-25
SGFI State Swimming Championship 2024